Blog Award

Happy Friday, everyone!

I am so excited to have received my first Blog Award!

Vanessa from A White Barn nominated me for The Liebster Blog Award! Isn’t she sweet?

The German word “liebster” translates into English as “beloved” or “favorite”. This award is given to new up and coming bloggers that have less than 200 followers. I am so honored that Vanessa chose my blog and so excited to pass it on!

In order to accept this award, you must…

1.  Link back to the person who gave it to you.
2.  Post the award to your blog.
3.  Give the award to 5 bloggers with less than 200 followers.
4.  Leave a comment on the 5 blogs to let them know they have been offered this award.
5.  Share 5 random facts about yourself.
Here are my 5 picks!
I have way more than 5 favorites but
I am choosing blogs with less than 200 followers,
that do things similar to what I do!
Here are 5 random facts about myself:1. I LIKE peeling oranges. I cut the peel around in one whole piece, and then slowly peel the white part and then I cut into sections… it relaxes me!2. I have a DARK sense of humor… This means I laugh at stuff people don’t always find funny…

3. I am PICKY. At a restaurant, I order a Diet Pepsi, no ice, and lime! LOL!

4. My real talent was cooking (my friends and family say) so I never imagined myself painting furniture or doing crafts.

5. I am in my THIRD (and LAST) marriage!

If you would be so kind to visit the blogs I chose and
leave them a comment,
I am sure they would appreciate it!

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