Vintage Market
I am overjoyed (is that tacky?) with so many people reading my blog, THANK YOU!
My blog just completed 4 months yesterday, and I OWE you a condensed milk recipe!!!
Saturday I participated in my FIRST Vintage Market!
The Olde Famhouse Vintage Market was a success!!!
I thought that table and the body form would go for sure, but they didn’t! The chalkboard sold! My silver tea set had lots of interest, but I am thinking people are not so crazy about silver… I am alone in this one, LOL!
I sold a few items showing here: white jug on top, vintage little pitcher on second shelf, milk glass on the bottom of bookcase; Also sold the pink leather chairs. They were SO COMFY! One had a rip, and I was supposed to re-upholster it… but… NO.
I sold the pink ice cream bowls, the stainless steel coffee pot and the silver candle holders.
I sold this BEAUTIFUL carpenter box and the white candle holder. The lady bargained on the candle holder, and I sold for $20, only to realise later that I PAID $20 AND PAINTED IT!!!
Please, tell me you did this once, too!!!
The trunk and bread box were gone too, and so were the blue candle holders on top of the bread box. The red Parlour Chest did not move! I am this close to painting it white!!!
My friend Kelley, The Upholster’s Wife, invited me to share a booth with her. Look at her stuff!
Adorable pieces painted and picked by The Upholster’s Wife…
I felt my part was kind of empty, and also I missed something in the background, like curtains and a banner! Next time!
I also wanted to share with you my
This is a BUG SPRAYER, from back then. I have no idea how old it is. Made in England.
I bought it a long time ago because it reminded me of my Grandma. Since now I am starting this business, selling antiques, I thought it would be a cool thing to bring to The Olde Farmhouse Vintage Market. I priced it $40, I have no idea how much I paid, it was years ago. Maybe it was overpriced? Nobody bought it. But we had lots of fun talking about it! Some people did not know what it was, and some people could SMELL the DDT just looking at it, LOL!!!!
I had an amazing time at The Olde Farmhouse Vintage Market. Leah and Barb, the organisers, were wonderful. The vendors were so kind and had awesome stuff! I also met some fellow bloggers like Kathryn from Ugly Duckling Transformations and Tracey from Raggy Girl Vintage! And of course, we had amazing customers, people that came from far to see us! Put that together with a few friends and family… SUCCESS!!!
We are looking forward to next year’s Market!